Sunday, June 10, 2018

Spending Priorities

Watching the dontard at the G7 gives some clear signs that American leadership in most spheres is on the decline.

Unfortunately, instead of using this to help the country by reducing the amount we spend on defending other countries he is trying to increase defense spending because it is popular with some of his supporters.

I'm not advocating for a weak defense, just a smarter one that protects our country and focuses on where we need to focus.

One of the things to understand about defense spending is that it is in many ways a type of stimulus to some companies, which gets great support in congress because it creates jobs in their districts.

We build state of the art weapons that are unlikely to be used in an actual conflict.

We have military all over the globe including Korea, the middle east, Europe and Africa, to contain our enemies.

This spawns a defense industry which has been raking in record profits with no end in sight.

Instead of simply spending billions on weapons we probably don't need we should evaluate the actual threats to this country and our allies and decide on an affordable plan.

I disagree with a lot of what the dontard says and does, but it is time that our allies picked up more of the cost of defending themselves instead of us.  They are able to provide all their citizens with health care while we pay for weapons and men to protect them.

We need to focus our funds where they help the citizens of this country while staying strong.

We have technology now that can provide protection while reducing the risk to our people with drones and other technology.

We have to get smart about where the money we borrow gets spent.

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