Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Immigration Reform

You didn't think things could get worse in Washington considering how disruptive it is, but then it does.

The policy of zero tolerance which results in Children being taken away from arrested parents is simply a terrible thing to do and its very hard to defend.

There is a fairly strong anti immigration mood in much of the country, but there isn't a pen up little children mood, at least not yet.

The anti immigration mood is fanned by the alt right and is really a form of racism or racial purity, defend America as a "white" country.

That goal is at the bottom of a lot of the sentiment, just like we see people defending the flag or what language we use when neither is under attack.

The typical American is non-existent and the image of a Mayberry RFD type of life is fine, but it was never really the norm.

It did exist but it wasn't the only existence.  For many Americans the image of their ancestors is one of a struggling immigrant, braving the unknown and arriving in a new country with their family to start a new better life.

Many of them did brave the journey to the west to settle on farms, many stayed in the cities of the east to work in factories and workhouses.

Some came to this country to work on the railroads and helped complete our infrastructure.

Some of course were dragged here against their will and enslaved, after which they were discriminated against.

For most it worked out pretty well, if not for them, at least for their children and grandchildren.

This is a country of immigrants or descendants of immigrants and it is shameful how we treat "illegal" immigrants.

We need immigrants and we need to have a way for people to come here legally.

Its in our blood after all.

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