Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Future Markets

We live in a world that is in most respects much smaller than it was say a hundred years ago.

Of course it is effectively the same size but between physical and virtual movement we have become neighbors to people who live in what used to be remote locations.

This is a wonderful thing in almost all respects as we can break down barriers that separated us and led to conflicts, wars and economic distress.

This globalization however increases the level of competition for everybody.

Competition drives out the weak performers and allows the most efficient to survive, assuming of course that it is a fair competition.

In some cases of course, those who lose out are going to be unhappy.

The answer of course is to become more competitive but that can be difficult and instead we see a desire to restrict the competition.

However once the box has been opened it isn't easily closed as we see rising incomes in undeveloped countries making them the markets of the future.

America is a big market but it is not the only one and certainly not the fastest growing one.

Engaging in a trade war is going to block our industries from the big growth markets while increasing certain prices here.

The global market will survive with America playing a smaller role and America will survive, but the pain will be worse in America with future consequences as we lose markets to eager competitors.

We see Harley Davidson moving production to keep its European opportunities.

The past is gone but the future is coming, and we need our products capturing future opportunities if we want to create jobs and opportunities.

Tariffs don't work.

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