Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Historic Meetings

Reading the text of the joint statement issued after the meeting with North Korea you notice how it refers to the meeting as historic a few times.

Now by definition it was historic, it is now part of history, but when you read most historic documents they don't normally talk about how "historic" they are.

Besides this we see very little except we have agreed t stop joint war games with South Korea and the North will work towards denuclearization.

Interestingly, our dontard made a comment that it will be a long process, but once its started its basically over.

Odd how he didn't feel that way about the much more specific Iran agreement, which was the worst deal ever.

I think the difference is more related to the fact that his followers are much more anti-Muslim then anti-Korean.

This may lead to something and its better than lobbing missiles, but it was much better for the image of Kim, who got the war games to stop and has lots of propaganda with meeting the United States as his equal in a country where image is nearly as important as the oppressive force of the regime.

The dontard will also try to use it as propaganda but I just don't see it playing nearly as well.

His performance with our allies is the more historic event, really.

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