Saturday, June 9, 2018

Pre-Existing Conditions

By this time, most of the country has accepted that the Affordable Care Act added some good things to health care.

Not allowing insurers to charge more for pre-existing conditions, allowing children to stay on their parents coverage until 26, expanding health coverage to millions of previously uninsured Americans.

Despite this and even having no replacement plan, the dontard and his cohorts continue to attack it.

The elimination of the personal mandate and certain subsidies to health insurers only served to increase some premiums and since most premiums get subsidized increase the cost to the Government and therefore us.

They have reduced the sign up periods and advertising for the plans being offered.

Despite some dour predictions, we see more states incorporating the Medicaid expansion and the public still trying to get health insurance.

Now the administration has decided to stop defending the benefits of the plan in court as certain states continue to attack it.

The legal arguments are pretty weak, they argue that with the individual mandate tax advantage gone the other provisions such as pre-existing conditions are now unconstitutional.

The administration has decided not to defend the act, so it is now states attacking and other states defending.

The opposition to the law is based mostly on a philosophical opposition to Government health care and a general dislike of some rich people paying taxes.

All Americans have benefited from these provisions and no politician would try to eliminate them, except of course the dontard, who has a twisted sense of reality.

He opposes the act because it was passed under his predecessor.

That's enough to try to strip these benefits from all of us.

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