Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Unpreditable Future

Sometimes you don't realize how quickly things have changed

Many of the things we imagined haven't materialized, like flying cars or commercial space travel.

The changes that did happen are more pervasive and universal.

We sort of envisioned robots that would look like us serving us.

Instead we got devices that look like boxes that hear us and control more and more of the things around us.

Certainly a lot less intrusive.

With a few exceptions we tend to imagine things continuing like we are at a point of time, with certain substitutions.

Of course what happens is technology creates new ways that are not easily predicted.

It also eliminates the need for things we considered essential at one time, like pay phones.

We can spend more and more of our time without having to deal with other people.

You can go to school at home, work at home, shop at home and stream entertainment to your home.

We can have social interactions that involve no actual contact with people who may or may not exist.

Of course some things still require another person, but there are apps for that.

That's an expression everyone understands now that would have made no sense 25 years ago.

Like giving a teen age girl some change in case she needs to contact you makes no sense today.

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