Monday, June 4, 2018

Who's the Patriot?

Consider a person who did everything they could to avoid serving their country.

Is this person in fact patriotic?

If the reason he can't serve is in fact a moral one, he very well might be, but when the only visible motive would be cowardice, not so much.

So the dontard who avoided the draft pretends to be patriotic.

His general contempt for those who served and suffered has also been displayed a number of times.

Yet he likes to rant about showing respect to symbols that his actions already disrespected.

He has criticized real American heroes who served and were killed or who served and were captured.

Yet he rails against people who risk their careers to make a point about an injustice that happens to their community.

You may or may not agree with their cause, they certainly have the right to draw attention to it.

Football teams play in public spaces with public attendance.

While you can impose contractual obligations on employees, I'm not aware that you can change the terms of employment without mutual agreement.

They could simply stop playing the anthem, it is only fairly recently that they started playing it.

Making the players stand, or assume any other position while it is playing though is probably a step too far.

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