Sunday, June 3, 2018

Drain the Swamp?

It seems like the swampiest stuff in Washington now a days is the politics being used to repay campaign donors.

Disguised as efforts to save non competitive industries we all get to pay more so that the campaign supporters get theirs.

Of course the tax bill itself was pretty swampy considering the money paid to the wealthy will have to be repaid with interest by future American workers.

Now we are seeing increased prices for Steel and Aluminum which will lead to other price increases as countries retaliate.

Of course as American exports gets reduced due to this, we may see cheaper prices for domestic crops, hurting our farmers.

Now we are mandating that utilities buy energy from coal and nuclear facilities that is non-competitive and not needed.

The interaction between this administration and some of the coal mine owners is well documented.

The claims it is for National Security are meaningless when you are talking about two domestic sources.

Using natural gas or renewable doesn't expose us to any foreign threat.

Just the domestic one.

Growing the swamp!

What else would you expect?

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