Saturday, June 30, 2018

One World

The consequences of our current administration are going to be politically troublesome for quite some time because of the changes to the Supreme Court and some of the damage done internationally to our influence and reputation.

The fact that he seems to have been so easily bamboozled by the North Koreans and is cozying up to the Russians while turning away from our long term allies in the west could be extremely disruptive, possibly leading to potential warfare and destruction.

However, it would seem somewhat unthinkable that the world could go so off kilter, if it hadn't happened so many times before and the biggest danger is that the dontard creates a rallying cry for people like him, to stand up to him, in certain countries.

As dangerous as that may be, the worst damage is what might happen to all of us because of his horrible environmental problems.

It might not be clear what he is doing, but his America first policy contains a formula for disaster.

Consider that the developed countries, including us have been the primary polluters of the world since the Industrial Revolution, while many third world countries were mostly left behind.

Now we see those countries, demanding a better lifestyle for their citizens and in order to get there they will inevitably add to the pollution problems we have.

The Paris climate accords attempted to address this issue by allowing the undeveloped countries more leeway while asking the developed countries to work harder to reduce carbon emissions.

On the face of it, it appears to be a bit of an advantage to the third world countries, except of course they agreed to develop more environmentally friendly technology with the developed world's support.

Economically it does help them a bit, but environmentally it went a long way to addressing climate change.

The dontard ignoring climate change wants to continue letting America increase pollution and environmental damage.

If the third world countries respond by doing the same we will not address climate change but increase it dramatically.

These are consequences that are very difficult to reverse and the damage is going to hurt all of us.

It is after all, just one world.

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