Sunday, July 1, 2018

Trust Them

As a slogan it seemed to resonate with people who felt that the changes they had seen in their lifetime were somehow not so good.

These changes included improved diversity, more creature comforts, tremendous increases in technology but along with that there was a loss of certain jobs that used to pay well because they were outsourced, eliminated by technology or simply obsolete.

Opportunity in America has become something that you have to earn.  It was always so, but for a time, a period in history where nostalgia (not reality) tells us we all were living in Mayberry RFD or in Springfield with a father who knew best and a mother who cooked best.

Generally reality wasn't much like that but people forget the drudgery of the factories where the first thing a lot of workers did when they got paid was hit the bar, with a decent chance they would hit the wife later if she asked where his paycheck was.

Yes more women stayed home, some happily, many not.

This glorious period supposedly existed in the 50s, 60s and 70s when we of course had a country torn by civil rights protests and Vietnam war protests assassinations and presidential corruption which led to a resignation.

The idea that America was greater than rests upon a nostalgic view of men earning a decent wage and a cookie cutter family in a little pink house.

It ignores the racism, bigotry, sexual predation and rampant growth in drug use that was going on.

Why did so many of these idyllic children flee to the big cities as soon as they were old enough?

The progress in America has been steady and for most Americans things generally got better, unless of course you lost a high paying low skill job to a robot or a foreigner.

Instead of learning some skills or becoming an entrepreneur, it was easier to turn to opioids, Fox and Trump who told you it wasn't your fault, you should blame anyone who did well in the new economy.

Trust them, they will make the rich richer but something might roll your way, maybe, although probably not.  Just trust them.

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