Sunday, July 29, 2018

Swampier and Swampier

The Federal Government consists of a political part, mostly the people elected and high level appointees and a professional part, people with expertise who have achieved their positions via education and experience.

You wouldn't want to fight a battle with a bunch of inexperienced campaign workers and you shouldn't try to run a professional agency with them either.

Unfortunately, our dontard doesn't really have much regard for professionalism, he is focused on loyalty to him, not to the country or the flag, just to him.

A lot of the federal government is nearly invisible to most people unless you deal with them but they are involved in high level science and technology as well as dealing with the laws and interactions of Government.

Having worked with many of these people over the years, they are of course like everyone else in having problems and issues, but the one thing they do well in almost every case is their jobs.

Politics at most levels of the Federal Government are not part of day to day life, and in fact they are generally prohibited.

If you are working with foreign countries or determining the safety of food for the public or combating disease, you are not interested in which party people belong to.

You hear talk about a deep state and what they get wrong about that is that it isn't the people, it the laws that have piled up over the years dictating how those agencies operate.

Of course when professionalism isn't the primary consideration you get the current administration where people resign weekly it seems for ethics violations only to be replaced with someone just as bad.

It is worse as you see them politicizing every position they can to reward loyalty instead of capability.

The swamp is growing deeper and deeper, no draining going on at all.

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