Monday, July 16, 2018

What They Want?

Right now we have a meeting in Finland between our dontard and his manipulator.

I'm sure it will be described as historic and the greatest ever, as our Mohammad Ali of a President likes to exaggerate.

Going into it he talked about how relations between the US and Russia were the worst ever, would think the Cuban Missile Crisis and pretty much the whole cold war would be worse.

Its almost impossible to take anything he says seriously, but you have to since he is also dangerous in many ways.

Its odd how many people who seem reasonably intelligent simply buy into his BS if they are Republicans.

Many of them have to know better and I wonder how they persuade themselves to ignore his idiotic comments and support his policies.

They may want fewer regulations, but do they really want to sell off the National Parks?

Have they no interest in protecting the Earth for future generations?

Do they really believe that reputable publications like the Times and the Washington Post are inherently biased?

Do they really want to alienate our NATO allies and allow China and Russia to expand their influence?

Its hard to believe they want to balloon the deficit and national debt by giving tax cuts to businesses and wealthy people, although some of them might be included.

I now they can't be in favor of a trade war that will ultimately hurt profits.

Do they really want to close our borders to those who want to start a new life and reverse the message on the Statue of Liberty?

I know many of them want to attack entitlement programs, but they do realize Social Security and Medicare will be included?

Is it really their intent to increase the number of uninsured people in this country, and end up paying more because they have less preventive care?

Its what they are supporting so I guess it must be.

Unless they just don't realize it.

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