Monday, July 30, 2018


Saw a recent poll where most Americans are in favor of helping the farmers hurt by our tariff wars.

I don't think they should be hurt either, but of course it still represents a type of social welfare program that the dontard and his supporters oppose.

The fact that what they do and what they say is contradictory is not surprising.

It isn't even entirely their fault since they get fed so much bad information.

One of the trends in America over the last couple of decades has been the infusion of "conservative" media.

Some think this was a reaction to the "liberal" media but it really depends on where you think the American media was.

Trying to report facts without opinion was the old standard.  Opinions were identified as such in editorials or Op-eds.

Fact based reporting was by definition non-political, but it was viewed by some as liberal bias.

Of course some examples of news stories that seemed to have a liberal bias could be found, there are many many news stories out there written by many different people.  You can find examples of almost anything, but to argue there was a liberal conspiracy is actually giving liberals too much credit.

What may be true is that the way journalism was taught and practiced tended to focus on actual events, not opinions.

This has changed with the advent of some clear opinion media.  CNN which was our first cable news channel was deemed conservative although that is of course a matter of opinion.

We see FOX which is nothing but opinion and more insidiously we see local newspapers being controlled more and more by groups pushing an agenda.

Certainly, having a political position is every one's right,  but opinion should be labeled as such not hidden in news stories.

At last not as a policy.

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