Sunday, July 8, 2018


In fairness, every president comes into the job unprepared.

Some more than others.

Watching the current group however is a whole new level.

Its clear that he has no idea what the job entailed and has no concept of the fact that he is supposed to represent the nation.

The current "discussions" with North Korea amply demonstrate the naive and unrealistic nature of this group.

I don't want to give North Korea much credit, they are dealing with rank amateurs and they have already achieved significant positives from playing with them.

I doubt there is any way to get them to pay more than lip service to the idea of dismantling their nuclear program, and while it would be nice if they did, I doubt they are really much of a threat to us either way.

They would have to be stupid to do anything and they just aren't.

We supply the stupid in that relationship.

Sure stroke the dontard's ego a bit and he declares they are just wonderful people who will do everything we want them to.

Well they aren't, they haven't been since they initially invaded the South and they aren't about to change.

We have managed to prop up his regime with no discernible benefit and further we have made them seem like a much more important player than they really are.

Now they talk about our gangster demands and the dontard has achieved nothing and given them a platform.

Lambs to the slaughter.

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