Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Who's Interests

Now you see it, now he says you didn't.

Not much of a trick, unless of course the first part was really an illusion.

However, it was broadcast to the entire world and we all saw our leader act subservient and obsequious, not his usual behavior.

Of course his record isn't very good against people who he can't bully, or at least think he can.

Being a vindictive small minded person himself, he was probably deathly afraid that his business interests or those of his relatives in Russia could be hurt.

He may have also been afraid of what they might reveal, except at this point most of us except the dossier as probably true.

He could easily have been bribed with promise of future opportunities once he was out of office.

He equates himself with America so if he doe well, well that's his version of America first.

He has no real concern for workers or anybody who can't help him succeed personally.

His promises were all really aimed at his cronies, hey great health care for you rich people and less crowds as I strip everyone else's.

Revive mining and steel, well if you own a mine or a steel plant maybe.

He is being outwitted and outmatched on the world stage and his rants in NATO are tolerated because its pretty much a shattered alliance without us.

I'm sure they are simply grinning and bearing it for the next few years.

You just have to remember that to him America first has always meant:

Look Out For Number One.

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