Friday, July 20, 2018

Time Sensitive

In many endeavors you can have short term success by coming up with a new unexpected tactic that surprises your opponents.

Take the performance of the dontard during the primaries.

His bullying and bluster succeeded because they weren't expected and second, they were more popular with the public than the other candidates expected.

Of course being the only one doing it in a large crowd got some immediate benefit and ultimately led to success at the polls.

In the general election, it didn't work as well, but with assistance from some bad campaigning,  the FBI and the Russians he managed to win the electoral college while losing the popular vote pretty badly.

It doesn't continue to be successful since it stops being a surprise and others learn how to counter it.

Its the same on the world stage as other nations realize that they are dealing with the dontard, they will adjust.

If you watch some of the media stations, you get the impression that the US can dictate how things should be.  If this was ever true it isn't anymore.

In fact we are most likely sacrificing a certain amount of good will and future prosperity to the silly behavior of the dontard.

Tariffs, massive deficits, attacks on our social welfare programs and increased environmental recklessness are all strategies that will hurt us down the road.

Its a lot like the behavior of many in the urn up to the financial crisis, when they treated the increase in their home values as a bank account.

It doesn't last forever.

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