Monday, July 2, 2018


One of the things that is characteristic of the age we live in is how much stuff we are told we need.

Advertising is a very ancient profession, there is evidence of ancient advertising for the oldest profession but it was generally limited to point of sale or word of mouth until fairly recently.

People with something to sell want to sell it and telling customers you have the best or cheapest merchandise is a pretty obvious approach.

However with the advent of media we have seen advertising in more and more places selling more and more items.

We live in a consumer age in the greatest consumer society of all.

It never occurred to me that I needed many of the things I have today until I was convinced by advertising.

Think about all the things your phone can do for you.  It now can recognize your face eliminating the need to use a fingerprint or pin code.

Of course it creates a problem, since all these wonderful items need to be paid for.

Still this desire to have more and better things is probably the most defining characteristic of Americans in general.

Of course not for everybody, but far too many have fallen prey to the idea that you have to drive a new car, have the latest phone, get coffee at an expensive establishment, dress for success, and generally live the good life.

Its the age we live in.

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