Thursday, July 19, 2018

Neville Trump?

Well he seems to get the idea finally that our commitment to the NATO alliance could involve us in a war.

Of course it is a better argument that the NATO alliance has prevented a "hot" war in Europe, at least for the NATO countries.

It was formed when the Soviet Union was already in control of much of Eastern Europe and was clearly a danger to the rest of it.

NATO told them that any attack on any member would be an attack on all.

This was to avoid the issues that led to World War 2 when appeasement allowed Hitler to grab pieces of Eastern Europe without any real consequence, until the west decided to defend Poland.

We now hear an American President question why we would go to war over a small member of that alliance.

History tells us why, because a nation that is expansionist must not be allowed to act with impunity.

Do I want to see Americans involved in a war in Europe?  Well no, no one should, but the best way to prevent that is to make it clear in no uncertain terms that aggression against a NATO ally will not be tolerated.

We saw the failed policy of appeasement when Mr. Hitler was perfectly willing to sign that if the west just gave him the Sudetenland he would be content.

We all know how well that worked out.

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