Friday, July 27, 2018


Last quarter was the best rate of growth in four years.

It should be noted that the administration four years ago was the Obama administration, the one that the current administration accuses of being bad for business.

That growth wasn't sustained for the whole year and this rate isn't likely to be either.

It was partly fueled by people trying to get ahead of the potential tariffs, meaning that certain deliveries were moved forward in time.

They aren't going to happen when they would have.

Growth is of course a good thing even if it is partly fueled by stealing from the future.

Some things are going to hurt growth, the most prevalent being the increase in cost from the tariffs.

Steel and Aluminum prices are up, good for those manufacturers, bad for everyone else.

The more we impose the more it will impact growth.

More significantly is where is the growth?

The problem with our economy has been high paying manufacturing jobs being replaced by lower paying service jobs.

The high paying service jobs are in areas that require significant expertise, not the sort of thing that many high school graduates would have.

Of course the economy here is still doing well but a young person has more and more problems trying to live in the area they grew up in.

Higher prices due to tariffs isn't going to help.

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