Friday, July 13, 2018


I watched some of the badgering of Peter Strzok as they tried to turn what was essentially pillow talk into a conspiracy.

Now he shouldn't have use his government issued phone for these communications and on a different level maybe he should have honored his marriage vows, but these two failings do not a conspiracy make.

Its pretty ludicrous to watch these elected representatives try to spin this into something that will either help the dontard or help their party in the mid-terms.

They just couldn't do it.

I'm sure they will try to act like they got something, but they just didn't.

There wasn't anything to be got.

As Mr. Strzok pointed out at one point, the FBI is hardly a den of democratic operatives, it is in general a very conservative organization.

These are law enforcement professionals who deal with issue of national security and terrorism.

They are dedicated professionals but of course they aren't required to drop personal convictions at the door.

They don't conspire as a group to influence politics and apparently unknow to our reps, they are governed by the Hatch act which restrict political activity in your official capacity.

As I said the texts that should have been on private cell phones are simply idle talk between two people in a personal relationship, who viewed an individual candidate negatively, not his party or his voters.

A natural reaction to a sexist, homophobe who exhibits bias towards many and respect for none.

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