Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Side Deal

So much going on with the dontard.

The one thing that stands out though is the seeming success he had getting the Pfizer company to undo the price increase it announced on July 1.

This was after a long conversation between its CEO and the dontard and the announcement by Pfizer talked about waiting for the dontard's health plan to be rolled out.

Since there is no such health plan and since the price increases made him look bad after he said drug companies would be reducing prices you have to wonder what was really said.

I suspect he got them to pull the price increases until after the election since clearly its in both their interests.

I'm sure that they will again get their increases or some other compensation.

Remember, the dontard is trying to further reduce corporate taxes and a loss of congress would make that nearly impossible.

Since the CEO of Pfizer is not unaware of the current politics, he probably got some other assurance, maybe related to some approval he needs or other benefit not dependent on the outcome of the election.

Now the other alternative is that he simply rolled back the prices because he was convinced by the dontard it was in the public interest.

A CEO of a major drug company.

The dontard.

Draw your own conclusion.

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