Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Conservative Socialism?

When conservatives complain about welfare you have to remember that they are only opposed to welfare that doesn't help them.

Tax incentives for business, farm subsidies, small business grants are areas that all or some conservatives support.

Food stamps, health care and other "entitlement" programs that in many cases benefit our poorest citizens are the ones they object too.

Now there is a bit of logic here, since the ones they support are in some ways supportive of business, if not free enterprise.

It should also be noted that they also go to people who tend to vote conservative, as opposed to those who don't.

We now see the dontard proposing to give $12 billion to farmers who are being hurt by retaliatory tariffs.  This will of course be paid by the rest of us, as will the higher prices resulting from his tariffs.

So pay more for imported goods and have some taxes go to farmers.

Not the best deal for most of us, and not even a good deal for farmers since they will still have trouble selling product overseas.

It also may violate a number of WTO provisions, but that can take forever to adjudicate.

What will or will not happen with the trade war is pretty uncertain unless saner heads take over, and I don't see any of those around right now.

The more the dontard bellows about them being successful the more you know they have issues.

Obviously he is trying to fix a problem he created when the solution was simply to make American business more competitive.

He has no clue how to do that of course, so we get whatever this is.

I guess redistribution of wealth is a socialist concept and he claims to be a conservative so I guess we have conservative socialism at work.

At least its better than national socialism.

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