Saturday, July 7, 2018

Out of Date

You have to decide at some point in your life if you are happy with the world as it is or if you want to make it better.

Of course the history of our species shows we have always eventually opted for making it better, even if at times that ended up making it worse.

After all we aren't eating raw meat and scavenging for food.

We invented fire, and tools and weapons and the wheel and everything that followed.

All along the way we find people who think this is enough or even too far and want to stop future progress.

Its very hard for me to understand groups that decide to pick a point in human history and stop there.

Of course they are allowed to do that, at least in this country, and they form a certain flavor to areas they inhabit.

However, the period they picked seems pretty arbitrary.

Similarly of course the same could be said about almost every institution that follows a document or religious text written in the past.

It reflects that time and while we may like to think the world stands still, it doesn't.

Its likely that some religious prohibitions have valid roots, valid for when they were formed, but unless we really think God is concerned with our dietary habits or manners of dress they are clearly outdated.

Progress goes on for the majority of us regardless and as a pundit once said, you just have t build a better mousetrap.

Of course generations tend to think what they grow up with is normal, so a baby boomer can take pride in being able to read cursive and tell time on an analog clock.

Skills that are simply not longer needed.

They don't make you better, just out of date.

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