Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Not the Worst Case

All things considered the Supreme Court nominee that the dontard went with, fits the generally acceptable criteria.

Clearly he could have picked someone with absolutely not qualifications, like many of his cabinet picks.

It was going to be a conservative, that was a given, but this one is at least qualified.

The Supreme Court is supposed to enforce the constitution.

Its not designed or suited to set policy, that is the job of the congress.

The constitution has congress passing the laws, the President executing those laws and the Supreme Court ensuring the laws comply with the constitution.

Of course they all have additional duties, and everyone of them has become more partisan than the founders envisioned, but fundamentally we have those three branches for those three reason.

It may be naïve to think that a Supreme Court justice can actually rely on the law and not partisan politics to form his/her opinions, but if it is I remain naïve.

Time will tell if the changes of this new court are simply conservative, meaning the constitution gets interpreted narrowly restricting further government encroachment or radical where it attempts to undo previous precedent.

Time will tell.

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