Sunday, July 15, 2018

Environment Benefits

I was reading about an agreement reached recently concerning fishing for Krill in the Antarctic.

It seems that the amount of Krill available is not the problem, simply that the easiest to fish areas are also where much of the marine life harvests krill, the bottom of the food chain.

The agreement simply is that the krill will be harvested in other areas, where impact to penguins and other animals (not the krill) will be minimized.

So a plentiful supply of krill oil will be available as a supplement and hopefully the Adele penguins and humpback whales will continue to have plentiful food.

Its this type of common sense management that is our best hope to save the planet for future generations.

Thee are things we all can do to reduce our environmental footprint, whether the Government mandates it or not.

Using environmental long lasting light bulbs helps the environment as well as your pocketbook as the extra cost of buying them is offset by reduced utility bills.

Many poser plants were switching to natural gas because its cheaper, cleaner, more easily transported and plentiful.  The dontard's administration is trying to mandate use of coal because, well he's a dontard, but the economies will prevail.

Smart decisions is not always the case as Americans after the reduced gas prices of the Obama administration went back to SUVs.  Even there we see that the current models are much more fuel efficient than their predecessors were although obviously not as efficient as smaller cars or hybrids.

Still, even with small setbacks, we see a pretty clear path towards smarter products and smarter behavior since it is usually something that has pretty immediate benefits.

Working at home or even attending classes at home is less stressful on the environment and the people doing it.

There are clear advantages to home shopping say and yes it hurt malls and some stores, but in the long run it is better for the planet as well.

Some lament the lack of social interaction, and that may indeed prove to be a problem, but it may not, it may just be a different type of society, perhaps better, perhaps worse.

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