Thursday, July 12, 2018


Sometimes as I observe the clown show in Washington, I wonder how did we get here?

The answer is mostly apathy.

Too many Americans don't care or don't think they make a difference.

In fact, it almost seems like we have turned the system over to the most rabid among us.

If you do in fact believe strongly in something, say that abortion is akin to murder, you are simply more likely to get involved and support certain candidates.

Poll data shows that most Americans actually support reasonable approaches to a lot of the issues facing us while rabid minorities have odd agendas.

Of course apathy is only part of the problem, the other is misinformation.

The government is not interested in coming for your guns or making your children change their sexual orientation.

These are not real issues.

Similarly, football players who kneel during the national anthem don't cause any harm to anybody.

They have the right to express a view, like everybody else.

We have so much inflammatory rhetoric about things that are simply either not true, or inconsequential that we should laugh at these issues?

Having to press one to speak in English to a robot on the other end is not the end of American culture.

Its recognition that this is a diverse nation with many people legally here who are native Spanish speakers.

We are not about to adopt sharia law, its not even remotely possible.

However we have entertainers pretending to be news people who incite listeners for ratings.

We believe all sorts of things that are demonstrable false and because of that things that are demonstrably true get questioned.

Apathy and misinformation, not a formula for good government.

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