Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Rough Sailing

Listening to the dontard or reading his tweets you have to wonder how he can live in such a fictional world.

He continues to blame the Democrats for the things he can't accomplish, apparently surprised that the opposition party opposes him.

Meanwhile his party has control of both houses?

Now its true that it requires certain skills. When you refuse to be a politician and have an all or nothing type agenda you don't have them

The way it works is you have to adjust your agenda to appeal to enough people to get it to pass.

Of course our political world has become so antagonistic that this becomes hard to do.

We have committees in congress where we see memos about the same fact written very differently by the two parties.

I don't see this getting better anytime soon as we start to see the primaries dominated by the most radical party members on both sides.

So someone who represents a centrist position is going to have trouble being the party nominee.

The ultimate outcome of this is a bit difficult to gauge since it extends all the way to the White House.

If we were to elect a President who could work with both sides and forge a middle path we could see some results.

However such a candidate is unlikely to get nominated in today's environment, so its going to be rough sailing for the foreseeable future.

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