Sunday, July 22, 2018

Local Politcs

The vast majority of Americans don't really think about politics much.

They think about getting through the day, the week, the year.

How to save for a new car, college, a new home.

What's going on with the price of gasoline, food, the movies.

Is my job secure, are my kids going to have jobs, will I be able to retire.

If I get sick can I afford it?  What about the rest of my family?

Are my parents OK, can they continue to live alone?  Can they afford a nursing home?

Is Social Security gonna survive?

Are my children going to have to go to war?

Are my taxes going up?

And many other concerns.

Politics matters only in so much as it impacts these concerns.

If you look at America from the 50000 foot level, it is looking pretty good.  We still have the strongest economy in the world.  We are developing new industries and forging global ties.

However, on the ground real people are fighting for survival every day.

This has always been true, but over the last 20 or 30 years it has gotten worse.

We saw many "secure" jobs go away either because of technology or outsourcing.

Then we saw the financial world crumble and many people in "good" neighborhoods, lost their homes and their lifestyles.

We have seen the cost of medical care and college skyrocket.

These are the issues that we care about.  Want to help refugees? Make sure we are OK first.

This was why a rich bully with a checkered sexual past and a penchant for lying was able to squeak by, he promised to worry about America first.

Of course, he was lying, but many fell for it.  It was better than talking about idealistic things that sound good but are for other people.  Help refugees?  Sure after we are OK.  Ensure equal pay?  Sure, but give everyone more pay.

All politics are local, they simply are.

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