Monday, July 23, 2018

Single Issue Voters

There are voters who really only care about a single issue.

These issues inspire a level of passion that makes other behavior and issues irrelevant.

Perhaps the most divisive is the opposition to abortion.

Simply put if you consider abortion to be murder, it becomes an evil that has to be stopped.

The only discussion possible is whether it is in fact murder and if you have already decided it is, not much can be said.

Realistically we wouldn't accept murder for any excuse, and while for those who consider a fetus a non-human until after birth, the argument is simply not going to persuade anyone.

The logical approach here is to make abortions unnecessary via sex education and birth control, but of course it won't always be effective in 100% of the cases.

Clearly a women has rights over her own body and the question becomes at what point does the fetus also gain legal status?

No one would accept a women having the right to murder an infant.  So the clear dividing line is birth.

Clearly the fetus becomes a baby at some point and to religious folks that is when it gets a soul.

Many believe that a soul is created when the egg and sperm match up.

If you believe that abortion is simply murder.

For people who support choice, they don't accept that or may not believe that souls even exist.

Many I believe feel as I do, it would be better if there were no abortions, but the women has the right to decide what to do, not someone imposing their belief system.

So to some extent abortion becomes entangled in first amendment protections, since the main arguments to prohibit it are religious ones.

Still, the point is that abortion opponents do feel that they oppose murder and aren't going to change their position anytime soon.

This single issue provides a large block of evangelicals and others to the anti-abortion candidate.

It makes them will to vote for a hypocritical, lying, adulterer with very little actual consistency in his positions.

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