Saturday, June 16, 2018

Immigration Silliness

People who brake laws don't do it expecting to get caught.  Of course they might realize it a possibility, but with a few exceptions, they assume they will get away with it.

One of those exceptions is people who cross our border without authorization who then turn themselves in.

The reason for this is that it is better than the alternative.

These are people who have no possibility to come here legally as they don't qualify under any of the criteria.

Not because of anything they have done wrong but simply because they the criteria requirements apply to specific categories which is pretty restrictive.

You can't just apply to come here and wait your turn, you must have a job, family or some humanitarian basis.

Since they have no legal path to immigration they take the only path available to them, one which puts them at some risk but also creates an opportunity.

So we arrest the adults and separate them from their children at which point we are housing and feeding all of them until whenever the cases get depositioned.

The cost for this, time in detention, care of the children, transport back to country of origin is all borne by the citizens of this country with the general result being, well cost.

Of course back before we had these immigration laws we used to screen arrivals and if they weren't infectious or a known danger, allow them simply to enter the country and help grow it.

Most of our ancestors came in via this sort of process and they worked hard raised families and had, well us.

Outside of prejudice against Mexicans or other central Americans, there is no reason we couldn't have a similar process today, except of course for the prejudice thing.

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