Tuesday, September 18, 2018

A Tariff here, a Tariff there

China has retaliated for the latest round of the dontard's tariffs and the administration position seems to be that, yes prices will go up but no one will notice.

Well those who can't export goods or produce will notice.

The price increases will only be noticed by a small group who rely on certain goods to compete so this cavalier attitude is similar to the let them eat cake position of the Ancien Regime in France before the revolution.

Pay more because we have a president who doesn't understand economics or trade and that efficiency for all is the road forward.

We need to move our resources into the things we do best, not try to create jobs that are lost to technology of cheaper wages.

The fact that China exports much more to us than we send to them is simply a reflection of the differences is cost of production, and remember those imports create lower prices and more demand.

We should be trying to open up export opportunities to China and the rest of the world to improve our economy as standards of living continue to equalize around the globe.

Our current posturing is likely to provide China and Europe as well as others inroads into markets we need to be in.

Producing a product in America is becoming more risky than producing it elsewhere because the dontard is simply risky business.

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