Friday, September 28, 2018

Circus is alway in DC now.

Watching the hearing about whether or not our nominated Supreme Court Justice sexually assaulted a girl in high school or not turned into the sort of circus which Washington now produces.

Not sure there was much interest in getting to the truth, although the women who testified seemed much more credible than the nominee to me, he just seemed to be overacting and following a strategy possibly devised by the dotard to attack his questioners.

Not being there it is nearly impossible to determine what actually happened but we have other instances where his character and actions are also questioned.

It seems like the Republicans are gong to try to push him through to ensure they can do it while they still have the majority and whether they can depends on a few moderate Republicans at this point.

Based on how he reverted to pure partisan attack when he was asked to testify and his overall demeanor, he doesn't seem like he should be a Supreme Court Justice to me, and you have to wonder how many sexual predators we want on that body.

He may get confirmed anyways and how all this played out in the court of public opinion is probably more telling as the mid-terms approach.

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