Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Conservative Supreme Court

The point has to be made over an over, voting matters. We have had many people who felt the entire system was corrupt or uncontrollable so they felt participation was meaningless. Elections in this country are generally decided by a majority of a eligible voters which is not close to a majority of the people. Even a high participation rate of 75% which is unlikely means that the election is decided by 38% of total eligible voters. Would the results be different if we had 100% participation, I can't be sure, but at least they would actually reflect the will of the people. The last election showed how a very small number of votes cast and not cast in a small number of states changed not only that election but policies for possibly a generation as Supreme Court vacancies get filled with ultra-conservatives. How much will that matter? Potentially it will be life changing for many although of course the decisions haven't been made. Voting matters and not voting is in fact a vote. Its a vote for the other side whether you want it to be or don't. Yes, sometimes the choices aren't the greatest, but almost always one is closer to what you want than the other and if you don't vote you will see the pendulum swing away. Vote.

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