Thursday, September 27, 2018


Well, the dontard maintains that the UN wasn't laughing at him, but with him.

This must mean that he knows what he was saying is clearly bullshit and he expects people to laugh.

He was talking about how his administration has accomplished more in his first two years than almost any other administration in history, which we all know is laughable.

We just didn't know he realized it.

I doubt that so he simply is twisting the obvious unpleasant reality into something that he likes better.

Simply stating they were laughing with him doesn't make it so, they laughed at the absurdity of his statements.

We elected a joke and will have to live with that until the end of his term.

Even though his base is sticking with him, I can't imagine the Democrats nominating someone so bad that he gets a second term, but I didn't envision the first one.

We have the mid-terms coming up first and maybe more importantly the Supreme Court nominee.

The current one has run into some issues, so we might have to nominate someone else.

That remains to be seen.  The real question would be if the Democrats gain control of the Senate after the mid-terms would that make a new nominee more centrist?

I doubt the dontard would go that way but there are a lot of ifs in that statement.

For now we just need to remember, these are just jokes, or are they?

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