Sunday, September 9, 2018

What grade?

What kind of job is the current president doing? He claims he is doing a great job, just ask him. He points to certain things that he may or may not bear some responsibility for such as the job market, the rise in stock prices and the low unemployment rates. 

All of these things were happening before he was elected but they do continue and to the extent his business friendly policies and tax cuts help he should get some credit. He gets credit for the rising deficit and national debt which is to some extent financing the current activity.

He has also failed to get any real concession about nuclear arms from North Korea and his Iranian policy isn't, as of now making anybody safer. It is possible that his policies will bear some fruit but right now he has achieved nothing except to serve as a PR puppet for the Korean dictator. His trade policies have hurt the economy more than they have helped and they have alienated our friends as well as our rivals. We are bailing out the farmers (see deficit spending) because of the tariffs and while he seems to think they are paid by the country he imposes them on we all know that we get to pay them.

His immigration policies have mixed results also. He has managed to disrupt the lives of many US residents who admittedly may be here without proper documentation. However they came here struggled to succeed, got a job, paid taxes, had a family and now they may be expelled for something that they did many years ago. Of course he has also destabilized the dreamer program and rants about crimes committed by immigrants when the crime rate for them is no higher than it is for people born here, and is, in fact lower, if you ignore the immigration ones.  He rants about a particular gang, when while a gang, is not taking over the streets of America. We have native gangs too.

His policies on health care are simply to take it away from people who need it and make them buy something that doesn't cover much or rely on emergency rooms. There is of course a debate on whether health care should be provided by the Government, but that debate has been long decided in favor around the world since being healthy is a big part of being a good citizen. He has managed to make almost all of us pay more for a little less, so not a big success.

On the whole, right now he might get a C if the economy doesn't fail while he is in office, an event which is increasingly possible. He totally fails on environmental issues and seems intent of creating more pollution to increase profits for some of his cronies. Income growth and the old manufacturing job is little changed since the issues there are long term economic ones. Down to a c minus at best with a downward trend.

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