Thursday, September 6, 2018

Loyalty among ?????

what we are starting to see are people who work for the donntard who realize he's incompetent and irrational. Of It course some would disagree with some of that but you have to decide whether when he lies multiple times in a day, as he usually does, is he just a liar or is he delusional? His fear of immigrants might just be an act but he has taken these things to heart or he is pretending to care. to whatever extent he can be said to have a rational agenda, although rational might be to strong a word, is his belief that business owners and wealthy people should be left alone by the Government. Of course this is rather self serving but I think he feels that the Government has at times bothered him and his friends. He has never cared about anyone else and when he says things like I'm going to bring industries back to the United States he has no idea what he is talking about. The evolution of the American economy has proceeded due to economic factors, not because we signed a trade agreement or two. They were instruments to help us cope with the reality of global commerce, not the cause of it. People apparently close to him see the incompetence and try to do what they can to correct it either overtly or covertly. He considers them traitors. They have in a way betrayed him but they haven't portrayed the country we all love.

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