Monday, September 24, 2018

Boys will be Boys?

We are seeing accusations starting to come up about our latest Supreme Court nominee concerning behavior he may or may not have engaged in as a high school student or college student.

It generally fits into the category of stupid hi-jinks, at least so far and I guess the message is that we are living in more and more of a glass bubble.

Since the days of social media this has become obvious but before that certain behavior was considered along the lines of "what happens at _______, stays at _______".

It was sort of an unwritten code that as long as you didn't go too far, you could in fact be stupid and inappropriate.  The consequences were local and pretty immediate for any offence given.

Each incident is isolated and maybe the real issue is that once you deny them you have a larger problem if they turn out to be true, or at least credible.

I don't know how many more incidents may come out now that a few have.  As we see in other such circumstances they tend to flow once the dam is broken.  Maybe there are no more, or maybe the ones reported aren't even true.

Only time will tell, or maybe it won't.

Its generally accepted now by most that the accusations by Anita Hill were true, yet we still confirmed that justice.

I'm sure some still don't believe them.

That was however a different age when attacking her was considered acceptable.  That did lead to a backlash in the next election that installed a good number of women in public office.

With the mid-terms so close we are faced with the question of whether the republicans are willing to risk the potential repercussions of ignoring these allegations?

Alternately, they may have repercussions if they don't confirm.

It makes the whole thing a lot more interesting, and further demonstrates that the level of partisanship in Washington has made progress almost impossible.

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