Friday, September 7, 2018

Evolutionary Origins

Evolution is sort of the ultimate way to answer the question, what came first, the chicken or the egg? Of course the egg that became the first chicken was laid by a non-chicken and mutated into a chicken. Now, of course the bird that laid that egg would have been very chicken like, but it was that last defining characteristic that the new chick exhibited and spread to create chickens. Evolution is not as dramatic as some would like to pretend, mostly to discredit it. It actually is gradual changes that spread rapidly. Mutations happen all the time, most aren't beneficial and die off and many beneficial ones dies off as well if they don't increase breeding opportunities. That last mutation that created a chicken was also something that made the new species superior to its predecessor in the areas that count, survival and breeding. Its a sort of natural intelligent design and the many complexities were all created step by step.

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