Monday, September 17, 2018

Supreme Sexual Predators

Most likely we are going to have another Supreme Court Justice who may have sexually assaulted or harassed someone.

There is really little doubt that Anita Hill was telling the truth but it didn't stop the nomination.

Now the story told by the new victim sounds credible, but of course it might not be.

I would think that it should be explored and evaluated before there is a vote.

However, it probably isn't going to happen, since the nominations are now done on purely political grounds and this justice is a good one for the dontard based on his views about executive privilege.

It was alleged to happen during their teen-age years and while it was behavior that has always been considered wrong, one could consider it awkward teen age behavior, at least we might have at one time.

In today's age we seem to be willing to assume that all the fault lies with the boy or man when of course there has to be a female involved.

In the story, at the age of 15, she went to a unsupervised co-ed beer/pool party.  She new the behavior was not going to be considered good by her parents and in all honesty she was probably a little lucky she wasn't drunker.

Girls/women have the right to not be attacked, it is never acceptable, but they also have some responsibility to engage in safe behavior.

If someone walks alone in a bad neighborhood, display signs of wealth, they don't deserve to be mugged, it just becomes a lot more likely.

Common sense really.

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