Saturday, September 1, 2018

September Thoughts

The dontard is going to skip a couple of important Asian summits.  The vice president will attend but it is likely to be viewed as a bit of a snub by them and provide China greater inroads and influence.

I believe this is because he isn't really comfortable with these type of summits where he is not the center of attention and also because it would be during a period where his presidency might be on the line.

We as a country have always paid more attention to Europe, it is where our country had most of its roots and where we feel a sort of kinship for those with Western heritage.

Of course Asia is much more populous and still developing so its where most future business opportunities are greatest.

As these countries grow richer, the number of customers who can afford our goods will provide great opportunities.

Of course we know other nations want to exploit that market and certainly our companies are eager to sell their.

We seem however to be making it more and more difficult for them, at least to sell things made here.

We have withdrawn from the Trans Pacific Trade deal and as noted earlier are skipping some important summits.

China and Russia aren't.

As we engage in a trade war with the biggest Asian country and fail to represent our business interests in the area properly we are allowing other countries to expand and fill the gaps.

Not very pro business.

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