Saturday, September 29, 2018

The Best Nominee?

We actually saw something of a compromise in DC yesterday and the whole structure didn't collapse.

It was a pretty mild concession but it may bring the matter to a head about the moral suitability of the nominee for the Supreme Court.

It may be simplistic but I think any nominee for a lifetime position to our highest court should be above reproach.

Such people do exist and many of them have conservative leanings so I would think the majority should have done due diligence and nominated someone from that group.

Arguing about qualifications and positions is really the only issues that should be in question.

It is clear from the accusations and the details coming out about his high school and college days that he has some things in his past that aren't exemplary.  He also isn't such a remarkable talent or exemplary jurist that we should overlook these flaws.

He has been primarily a political operative and I believe his primary qualification is his service to partisan endeavors in the past.

That isn't disqualifying but they really should find a better candidate who isn't gong to have so much baggage.

Being conservative isn't the real issue here, being so partisan might be, in addition to his character.

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