Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Violent Sexual Predator?

Thinking about the Cosby sentencing just makes you wonder if in fact justice was served.

The conviction is under appeal and sending him immediately to jail instead of allowing bail was probably a result of the high visibility of the case and pressure on the judge to send a message.

He was found guilty and there is little doubt that his behavior was atrocious, but, in most of these cases we are assuming a degree of ignorance on the ladies who decided to join him in his home or hotel room.

He engaged in behavior that at one time could easily be viewed as seduction with women who were interested in cultivating his help.

As I understand the accusations it was never clearly defined that they were expected to sleep with him in exchange for favors, rather he gave them something to relax them, with their knowledge, and then took advantage of them.

It doesn't excuse his behavior but I also have to question the motivations of women alone with a person, who has had a certain reputation since he first got famous, accepting drugs and thinking it was perfectly normal.

Its also interesting that he was deemed a sexually violent predator.  Not sure what the standard is for that but I'm not aware that he ever acted violently in any of the accusations.

What will be the eventual outcome of his appeal and the civil cases is still to be determined.

He was ultimately a comedian and entertainer who was also a womanizer.

I guess the bottom line here is, he should have known and acted better.

He isn't the only one.

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