Wednesday, November 21, 2018

2020 Will We See Better?

Was looking at some poll results and our dontard manages to get over 50% on the economy but much lower numbers in every other category.

These polls were speculating about re-election scenarios and whether his "glowing" reviews on the economy will be enough to get re-elected.

Not sure how scores just over 50% are glowing, but they are at least on the plus side.

I think any speculation about 2020 is premature, but that's not going to stop me from expressing some views.

Clearly, as the polls pointed out, the electoral college works to his favor as many smaller population rural states have extras representation.  Since we are not going to get rid of the college easily this has to factor in to any campaign strategy.

One issue facing both parties is that the democrats have become associated with coastal elitism while republicans appeal to less educated white men and to a lesser extent white women.  We saw in the recent mid-terms that college educated voters were strongly against the republican party as it is today.

The reason for this is partly because the power structure and economics are changing in a way that has resulted in some erosion of what is white privilege, viewed by them as reverse discrimination.

So the issue is to somehow overcome the fake news network which paints this picture and show that rising opportunities for all is not a bad thing and that the economy is not a zero sum game.

Unfortunately, they were hit by economic forces related to automation and in some cases trade but these are not because the jobs and opportunities were funneled to immigrants and minorities, but because the owners made more profits.

Who is best to convey this message remains to be determined, but the message has to be that they are part of the future, not just relegated to the past.

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