Sunday, November 4, 2018

Campaign Ads

We changed the clocks back to standard time although I think we observe daylight savings time longer. Maybe we should vote on this.

The election is coming up and all the reports indicate turnout is way up.

I heard a lot of political ads driving up from Virginia yesterday and the vast majority are pretty negative.  I'm not familiar with all the candidates and I didn't take notes, but the negative ones stood out.

We apparently have a lot of incumbents who have accomplished nothing or only accomplished bad things.

We also have people running who want to ruin the economy, increase taxes and open the borders to everyone.

Oddly many of the people running the most vicious ads are also the ones who can work with the other party to get things done.

I find that unlikely.

I did hear a small number where an incumbent talked about his accomplishments and they sounded ok until you heard his challenger's ad which was usually close behind.

I have to say I've lived through a lot of elections and many of them have also been contentious, but this one seems to be more so.

Of course the ads that haven't changed much are the signs stuck everywhere with a candidate's name on them.

Think the color scheme gives away the party affiliation but that's about it.

Guess they are going for name recognition before you vote.

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