Saturday, November 10, 2018

Saturday Musings

Mass shootings, as horrible as they are, have become routine enough that start to rate them as being more or less horrible than each other.  Innocent people or children get gunned down, they can't lose their shock value.

I see a lot of talking heads on TV ignoring what really happened in 2016 and predict that our current dontard will get re-elected in 2020.  He didn't even really win in 2016, it was simply a few states that swung the electoral college and no one is going to take them for granted going forward.  Of course elections are a bit hard to predict but he's not wining any popularity contests.

The economy is fine in many ways but the issue of high paying manufacturing jobs going away and unequal distribution of income hasn't gotten better, maybe worse.  A lot of old manufacturing areas are still in recession if not depression and will need to reinvent themselves.

When you consider energy, our dependence on oil and coal is diminishing as people switch to renewable or natural gas.  Oil consumption has recovered some since the recession but is still lower than it was in 2008.  Its not happening fast enough but its starting.

One of the not so secret problems in America is how much racism had worked its way into our culture over the years.  It's certainly better than it was but its why the term politically correct is so onerous, it suppresses these learned behaviors.  The dontard is part of the generation that grew up with all these racist stereotypes and it just seems normal to him.

Its actually ingrained into some of our news reports.  I see a lot of them talking about how "white" people will become a minority in a certain number of years.  Well, as long as we are all Americans, what difference does it make?

Once again we have a democratic congress that has to deal with a tremendous deficit from a republican administration.  Who is the party of big spenders again?

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