Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Get Out and Vote

I guess we will see from the results today whether the last minute campaign push by the dontard helps or hurts republicans overall.

His message is so secular that it is only designed to appeal to the people who are already true believers, and he is trying to get them out to vote.

However, they represent a minority of the voters and his controversial visits might very well incite the opposition to get out and vote.

These rallies are more entertainment events than places to spread a message, since the message is so partisan.

The results will be in by tomorrow and its not clear if they will show if he helped or hindered his party.

His alarmist views seem to have given a few democratic senators a bump in the polls but we know that many of them were in very difficult races in states they normally support republican candidates.

Of course republican candidates used to be more centrist, but in the current situation they have to adopt the radical policies of the administration regarding immigration, abortion, guns, etc.

Some of this plays well, some of it doesn't and when you consider how farmers are being hurt by the trade policies and tariffs, we may see a shift in some of the voting.

The turnout is probably the biggest issue today, lets hope its huge.

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