Wednesday, November 7, 2018

What Next?

Some of the votes are still being counted but the Democrats are now the majority in the House of Representatives while the Senate stays Republican, in fact they picked up some seats.

Politics is not horseshoes, you either win or lose, but, some losers get recognition despite losing.  It remains to be seen how two of the Democratic contenders who were viewed as future leaders fare after narrow defeats.

Still we sometimes lose sight of the fact that the objective of elections is to elect people who will represent the people of America and work together to move the country forward.

In some cases we may disagree about what "moving forward" means and that's OK, but we generally agree on most of the important issues.

Whether the new congress will be able to compromise on issues and get legislation passed is of course the question.  Some of the most radical attempts to gut the ACA or waste money on walls along the border should be over now.

The congress needs to take its oversight responsibility seriously and not engage if silly investigations that go no where and accomplish nothing except to provide fodder for the media.

More substance, less meaningless rhetoric.

Sane, honest responsible government, It would be refreshing.

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