Sunday, November 18, 2018

Party Politics

When you consider the political landscape most Americans end up being poorly represented.

Having been in a job that takes you to many different areas of the country and being able to talk and listen to what people want it generally comes down to pretty similar things.

The problem is that we have, for want of a better term, the lunatic fringes.

So a few people want to remove all restrictions on gun ownership and a few want to ban guns completely but the vast majority want reasonable restrictions to make sure gun owners are not likely to go out and shoot up a crowded concert.

Most issues have a position that the majority, in some cases the vast majority of Americans can support, but party politics and our primary system push the parties further and further apart.

There isn't a short term solution for this, until at least we face a real crisis such as a financial collapse or a major war where party politics might be forgotten.

The answer of course is to get more participation, not just in the general elections but in the primaries.

Making it easier to vote in both would be a good start but in man states the trend is just the opposite as fallacies about voter fraud are used to restrict voting.

With the technology we have we should be able to assure every citizen gets to vote, without looking for ways to invalidate citizen's ballots who you might disagree with.

That should be bipartisan.

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