Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Mississippi Senate Race

My only actual experience with Mississippi is that some flights I took had stops in Jackson.

Images of the State are generally not very good, at least to most people from the North as it was the deepest of deep south states with a history of slavery, Jim Crow, chain gangs, school segregation etc. etc.

It is now about to elect a Senator in a runoff and the odds are they will elect the Republican.

That wouldn't normally be much news except this one has displayed either outright racism or at least a strong hint of it with comments about public hangings, the confederacy, and is the embodiment of the white establishment in the start.

She might not actually be a racist, at least by her standards, but I'm pretty certain she grew up in a way that distinguished between white people and non-white people.

This is by no means unique to Mississippi or southern states, we have enough of it in the north.

Its just not as blatant.

It would be a real sign of change if the republican lost, although it isn't very likely.

Mississippi has the largest percentage of black people of any state.

Sooner or later they will have a strong say on the future of the State.

Maybe today is a place to start.

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