Saturday, November 3, 2018

Immigrants, run for the Hills!

A group of ragtag refugees trying to escape poverty and violence has terrified our commander in chief and sending troops at some significant expense to guard against nothing at all.

His characterization of this group as an invasion is simply rhetoric that is designed to incite some voters before the election coming up.

He may or may not know better, who cares.

He also, despite controlling both houses and of course the presidency for two years now blames this on the democrats because he likes to just make things up.

Immigration to this country both documented and undocumented has overall been a benefit, not a detriment.

Each wave of course has had bad characters, the Irish gangs, the Italian mafia, the Russian gangs but this is a tiny percentage greatly offset by the much greater number of hardworking families who have made America great.

People haven't changed and despite the rhetoric about who may or may not be travelling in this caravan, the one thing that is certain is that they are people.

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